Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My big disappointment...The Wii

So, I said I was going to touch on the Nintendo Wii and here goes. This has been a long time coming. So, when the Wii was put out my buddy Eric picked one up. He actually walked into a Target a few weeks after the release and there was one sitting right there on the shelves. So, he bought it. He has since sold his and for a very good reason. I will delve into that later. So he set it up and had us all over to play Wii Sports. I fell in love with the system right then and there. It was fun and showed great signs of things to come.

Well, I was at work one day and a woman in IT sent out a mass email to the whole building saying that she had a brand spanking new on for sale for the original price. I jumped on it. She could have easily sold it on Ebay at that point for probably twice the cost if not more. I got it home and set it up and started playing. Then it struck me. This sucks when you play it alone. So, I picked up Zelda, Raving Rabbids, and a few other games for the system. "Alright, I can do this alone," I thought but I was only kidding myself. I felt stupid waving the wiimote around and the games just weren't challenging. So it sat there next to my television collecting dust and being broken out when I had people over. It was still fun with a group of people after all. I've played one other game for a different system that falls into this catagory as well. That being Rock Band for the PS3. Yes, it's a great game but it's just not something I want to sit around and play by myself. At least that still gets broken out when I have people over. The Wii just sits there.

Don't get me wrong. I keep trying with the Wii but the love isn't there. People are jazzed about the old games you can download and play on the system or the fact that they can play Gamecube games on the system as well. Well, you know what? The only game on the virtual console I want that I haven't downloaded yet is Toe Jam and Earl and that's for purly nastolgic reasons. I remember playing the hell out of that game with my friend Matt back in the day. Otherwise all the other games I can just pick up at garage sales, Ebay, or at used game stores like Cedar Cliff Collectables. Not really meaning to put a plug in for them but the store is awesome. If you've been there you know what I mean. It's kind of like that really good used book store with books piled up on the floor that you could spend hours digging through but instead of books it's used games and systems, action figures, anime, comics, etc. Anyway, the point is I don't see the point to it. I found one game that was absolutely a blast to play and that was Excite Truck. I'm not even a racing fan but that game to me captured everything that an arcade racing game ought to be or tried to be. Zak and Wiki was a challenging puzzle game but over all lost it's appeal in the end. Paper Mario was decent but over all was just the same thing over and over again. No More Heroes was intesting and had a good feel to it at first and then became this overly repetitive thing...I can go on and on and on.

The Nintendo Wii is just not a gamers system. Nintendo lets all these companies release game after game of pure kid oriented crap. When I say crap that's exactly what I mean too. Is there a single adult out there that wants to play Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey or all of the stupid Petz games? I don't think so. I will give Nintendo a little credit though. They have put out something remotely interesting with the balance board. The downside to it is that it's only being used for games that aren't games. Wii Fit or the other various excersize games. They have totally alienated the actual gamers out there and that's why Eric sold his system and why mine has been that close to being sold as well. Sometimes I am just hopeful that there will be the rare gem that comes out for the system that is actually fun and challenging to play by yourself instead of having to have a group of people over to play it but my hopes keep getting dashed. And fuck no I am not buying into the Animal Crossing craze. That shit is exceptionally lame. Shoot me. If you have any suggestions for games to check out for the system please let me know. Or if you're looking for the system let me know what price you're willing to pay.


  1. They never said anything about hardcore players, fans of Nintendo are hardcore for Nintendo check out the message boards they LOVE Nintendo reguardless of what they put out. Also tell your coworkers that play games about this blog.

  2. You are absolutely right on every point here...I agree with you wholeheartedly, that is why I sold my Wii on Craigslist!!!

  3. My god man, Brilock your just as crazy as he is Nintendo will never change what there doing because they are selling to everyone right now. Also the nintendophiles are eatting everything there serving with a silver platter. Mario kart for Ds which came out in 2005 was the 10th best selling game of the year, if that doesn't tell you something about nintendo fans then nothing will.

  4. The best video game decision I've made was selling my Wii. I never played it once downsizing to a smaller apartment (hence no parties).

    I bought a PS3 with the profits and thoroughly enjoy it. There are times when I wish I had an Xbox 360, such as when I learned the Fallout 3 DLC won't be coming out for the PS3, but overall I still feel the PS3 is the better buy and the better system.

  5. Thanks looks like I have a post for tonight.

  6. It's one thing to put out a decent system and don't get me wrong, the Wii is a decent system. It was by far one of the most creative things put out in gaming history thus far. Nintendo doesn't care about their system and putting out quality games. Smash Bros. Brawl was no where near as good as all the hype for it. I understand that each system has their fair share of fanboys but Nintendo fanboys need to stop buying into the shit and demand that they put together a decent game for once instead of catering to the soccer moms of America and children. It's like they just skipped over the actual core of gaming and created a party system that is no fun to play alone.

  7. Going to try to defend the wii tonight, should be interesting and very hard.

  8. If you actually attempt to defend it use paragraphs you ass. The one paragraph blogs are very daunting and aren't appealing to the eyes
