Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And now Cedricks_human bitching about his pile of shame…aka Jade Empire

I’m about a third of the way through Jade empire, something like 16 hours into it give or take a few minutes here or there and I’m finally starting to get into it. Its not that it’s a bad game but there is something that feels kind of generic about the environments and the combat system seems like it was tacked on. Yeah I know a game that’s about a crew of destiny warriors having tacked on fighting, how did that happen most of the time during combat all I really have to do is dodge until I’m behind my enemy and then hit them in the back. It wouldn’t be so bad but its just repeating that cycle over and over again gets really boring. Knowing the outcome of every fight as long as I follow that combo kind of takes the fun factor out of the game. Now I’ve heard the definition of madness is doing something over and over again expecting different results but what happens when it always works, what would Freud probably something like “The fuck do I know I’m high on coke right now” smart man that Freud. This is a Bioware game and as of late in my mind there held in higher regard then manly because Square for some reason has this quantity over quality thing going on. But when they were at there peak they were golden and untouchable, now that America is getting ahead of the Asian companies and the balance of power is shifting. But enough about square Jade Empire is my target for now, anyway what I was really trying to say is screw your dialogue trees and work on the core mechanics of the game. The more I think about it Mass Effect had the same problems with is own combat system, even if it did feel better then jade empires does, I know its not easy to make a game I’ve never been tempted too But can you really have one without the other, a good story to go along with an epic rpg is important but so is combat. Out of the 16 hours of play time I’ve spent most of the time running through lines of dialogue like I’m studying to be the lead in a high school play. I guess you could say well why did you buy this game, you knew Biowares M.O dialogue trees and story are what put asses in the seats. Sacrificing one for the other isn’t OKAY its just another sloppy developer trick, woo them with the graphics (which for the time were really good) and the bells and whistles of story based dialog trees then put an Band aid on it with “combat” written on it. If you think I’m bitching now wait until I got through the same BS on Kotor.

Time to smoke!


  1. You're a bigger man than I sir...I couldn't even make it 8 hours in before caving to the pressure of shitty combat and overstuffed dialogue scenes. You must be masochistic for wanting to go through Jade and then KOTOR as well...

  2. going pretty much back to back on them...killing myself for the cause. But I bought'em so i gotta playem.
